Our Social Enterprise

Our Social Enterprise
Visitor Information

Our Social Enterprise

Castlecomer Discovery Park is a not for profit social enterprise that aims to create jobs, develop rural tourism and help to regenerate the town of Castlecomer.  It is the culmination of a community effort to address the economic decline that impacted the town so badly when the coal mines closed.

The operating company is Castlecomer Demesne Company and has charitable status (CHY 12152) . It is now overseen by a voluntary Board of Directors and a professional management team.

The Directors are:

J. Comerford

E. Holland

M. Holland

Our Company Number is 239009 and our charitable number is 12152.

The company address is Castlecomer Demesne Company, The Estate Yard, Castlecomer, Co. Kilkenny

Our Mission & Vision

  • We aim to connect people with the natural world that surrounds us. Through our 80 acres of woodlands and lakes we explore ways to create a more sustainable future, a better understanding of the issues facing the environment and how positive engagement with nature can create a greater sense of wellbeing and fulfilment.
  • Adventure activities support our financial sustainability but also feed into concepts of wellness, physical and mental health as well as pushing personal boundaries to instill a sense of achievement and confidence.
  • Income generated from our project supports transformational projects that address rural regeneration, by providing job opportunities and training initiatives for people furthest from the job market. As well as building a tourism destination that stimulates wider economic activity, and drives growth and civic pride.
  • We aim to provide a range of programmes that inform, educate and enable journeys of discovery, in the area of wellness, environment, sustainability and resilience building.   Underpinning these programmes is our goal to recapture the carbon emissions generated by coal mining Industry over hundreds of years.  Through this goal we can celebrate our mining heritage whilst making it relevant to a contemporary agenda that addresses climate change and environmental challenges.
  • We value inclusivity and encourage groups to engage with us to support our mission. Included in this is our desire to make adventure activity accessible to as many people as possible, whether it’s a physical disability or a visual impairment, we are committed to using the resources we have to ensure that adventure doesn’t have to be off-limits.